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人教版七下U8 Is there a post office near here?

2024年05月21日 10:39:31 访问量:65

U8 的重点语法功能结构,包括there be结构,where引导的特殊疑问句、描述某个场所或建筑物位置关系的方位介词及短语。所以在备课时,应该训练学生观察地图,并根据地图中建筑物的位置进行回答,不仅可以训练学生在真实语境中使用方位介词的能力,也使得语言学习活动充满趣味性。

I live in a quiet neighborhood. There is a park near my house. There are two banks on Main Street. And there is a big supermarket across from my house.

In my neighborhood, I like the park best because I really love the clean air and sunshine there. I often take a walk with my grandmother in the park. On weekends, I play sports with my friends there. It's a good place to enjoy ourselves.

To get to the park, you have to go along Main Street first. Then turn right at the first crossing. When you see a supermarket, turn right. The park is across from the post office.


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